Hello World!

Hey, I'm Penny/Cent, a lucky enby from Brooklyn who has had many creative endevours over the years. I recently decided to migrate from Tumblr to my own website here for sharing my art, things of interest to me, and more. I hope you enjoy what you find here.

Site Updates

March 10th, 2024: I've gotten the second project page somewhat together. It is for Underalt, my personal Undertale AU.

March 4th, 2024: I've gotten the Creative Projects Index Page up and somewhat ready along with my first project page. It is for Aptrumi SMP.

Current Projects

My focus right now is on a few big things. First and foremost being my Undertale AU and its associated roleplay discord. Next being the modded minecraft server I am helping to run, Aptrumi SMP. It is whitelisted which is why I linked to the discord. The final big thing taking up a lot of my time right now is getting this website together.